Software modeling

Object-oriented software design with UML and object orientation

| As face-to-face and online training

3-day basic and advanced training for software developers and architects.

This UML basic and advanced course is aimed at all software developers and architects in an object-oriented environment who want to use UML as an effective design, planning and control tool.

Planning Modeling Software

Essential for every software architect!

This UML basic and advanced course is aimed at all software developers and architects in an object-oriented environment who want to use UML as an effective design, planning and control tool. The aim of this course is to teach the basics of UML, which in the long term will reduce errors in process modeling and transitions to software models.

After this course, participants will be familiar with the basics of object orientation. They will have gained initial experience in creating analysis models with UML, with design and with programming. Through the practical exercises, they will have gained a differentiated first impression of all areas of object-oriented system development. In addition to the object-oriented methodology, you are also familiar with the basic concepts and principles of object-oriented system development, which consists of analysis (OOA), design (OOD) and programming (OOP).

Training content

Fundamentals of UML: Introduction to a graphical notation for exploring and documenting object-oriented models.

Objektorientierte Analyse (OOA): Ansätze zur Modellierung komplexer Sachverhalte und Probleme der realen Welt

Objektorientiertes Design (OOD): Abbildung von Fachlogik in Modellen mit verständlicher und tragfähiger Architektur

Objektorientierte Programmierung (OOP): Anwendung der gängigen Patterns zur Realisierung qualitativer objektorientierter Software

Software für objektorientiertes Arbeiten mit UML: Vorstellung der führenden Werkzeuge zur Arbeit mit UML und Quellcode

Are you interested in this training?

Please call us on +49 621 595702 41, write an e-mail to or send us a written enquiry using the contact form.

We look forward to receiving your inquiry:

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What you should already have:

Practical experience in software development, acquired through various projects or systems outside of training

Knowledge and practical experience in at least one higher-level programming


In addition, a basic knowledge of modeling

is helpful for understanding some of the concepts.

These training courses may also be of interest:

CPSA-A ADOC (architecture documentation):

Supports the creation of clear and understandable architecture models.

CPSA-A AGILA (Agile Architectures):

Examines the role of models in agile development processes.

CPSA-A DDD (Domain-Driven Design):

Combines modeling with domain-oriented architecture.

CPSA-A ARCEVAL (architecture evaluation):

Evaluates the quality of models in terms of architecture.

Do you want customized in-house training?

You have an entire team that you would like to train, but none of our software architecture training courses meet the requirements? No problem! We would be happy to work with you to create a customized in-house training course, whether for beginners or advanced users. We are looking forward to your request!

Write a request+49 621 595702-41